How to Buy the Perfect Running Shoes & a Giveaway.

You’ve heard it once, twice, possibly three (or 300) times: running is the cheapest form of exercise.

While this is somewhat true as you don’t need a gym membership or scary-looking torture devices equipment; splashing out on a really good pair of running shoes is so important. Take it from me: as a girl who’s been super-silly and/or a cheapskate, and had multiple injuries to show for it… get those bad boys fitted. And I promise you, they’re worth every pretty penny you’ll spend.

Free Flyknit+


“But what’s the big deal?” you may ask. “I see people out running in what appears to be their grandma’s croquet shoes from the 60s. Therefore, Crocs aren’t going to kill me.”

Oh dear. You have much to learn, young grasshopper. Properly-fitted running shoes will not just benefit your overall performance, but they’ll prevent injuries when you’re really clocking up the miles. Injuries are so easy to get when you’re wearing the wrong shoes, as it throws off your biomechanics. The right shoes compliment the way you run, or correct problems you currently have.

I’m going to give you aspiring runners a little guide to explain exactly how you meet your running-shoe match. Make sure you head into a store to get fitted by experts.


I hear ya, this can seem a little over the top, but I assure you it’s not. Each person’s foot has a different arch, and you’ve got to find a shoe specifically to suit it and support it.

Your arches can be high, flat or neutral. For example, I’ve got pretty flat arches, so I always opt for shoes that have arch support/motion control so mine don’t collapse as I run. I head to Athlete’s Foot, and they ask you to walk across a pad that determines whether you pronate (roll inwards) or supinate (roll outwards).



One runner might be a weekend warrior, running a few 5k runs on the weekends, pretty casually. Another person could be a dedicated marathoner, about to train for their first ultra-marathon. Or that guy over there could be an awesome track runner, needing different shoes entirely.

There’s a huge spectrum, and it’s important to take into account how much running you’ll be doing. Also, have a chat about what kind of surface you’ll be jogging on: is it grass? Cement? Trails? Each option needs a different type of shoe. The person fitting you will then direct you to a pair that’s good for your type of activity.




Everybody has their own way to run, kind of like a running-signature if you will. Before you buy new shoes, you need to pay attention to your style. Ask yourself: “Do my heels hit the floor first, or my forefoot?” This info will really help when deciding where most of the cushioning needs to be.

Make sure you disclose any running injuries you have, or have had in the past. It might be things like plantar fasciitis (not fun, been there!), tendonitis, shin splints… these are all conditions that can actually be remedied by wearing the right shoes for you!

I know it’s tempting to go straight to the newest, brightest models on the market – believe me, I get it. I’ve done the whole “I need the most fashionable shoes that ever existed in the history of the world!”… and guess what? They turned out to be horrible for my feet. Cue fun things like a stress fracture and plantar fasciitis. So find the right ones for you, and own them!




To get one lucky reader off to the right start on their running journey, I’ve got a Paul’s Warehouse $30 voucher to giveaway!

Simply click on the link below, and follow the prompts to rack up points by entering as many times as you want. Whoever has the most by Tuesday 11th February, wins! 🙂

Only for my Aussie readers as Paul’s only delivers Australia-wide, sorry!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Question time:
What running shoes brand do you swear by?
What kind of runner are you: weekend warrior, marathoner, half-marathoner?
Have you had any injuries/problems associated with wearing the wrong shoes?


Kloe x

10 responses to “How to Buy the Perfect Running Shoes & a Giveaway.

  1. hahaha. running shoes…. I just recently retired my 3 year 4 month old Muzinos. I went the appropriate route to find the shoe best for me at the time… wear and tear with lack of funds for a new pair kept me running in them. I still don’t have a replacement. I battled a plethora of injuries. I went from a heel striker to mid-foot strike too. I currently don’t run. Since the end of Oct I have only ran 2 times not affiliated with a race. I ran a marathon in Nov, a half in Dec, and back2back halfs in January. I am stubborn and wouldn’t miss an event I paid for. Haha. I aspire to run either back to back marathons or a 50k this fall with my brother. 🙂

    • I know exactly how you feel! They’re so expensive that it’s super hard to give them up… even when they’re basically falling apart haha. I’m the same as you – I went 18 months no running because I was battling injuries and just needed some time off. I’m hoping to get back into racing this year, starting with a 10k and maybe doing a half-marathon and PROPERLY train for it!

  2. Mizunos are my shoe. I’ve had about 10 pairs of the inspires… Kind of scared bc the newest model is mor light weight. I wore brooks until they did something similar to their Ravennas and I ended up with a tibial stress fracture.

    • Oh no, that’s always scary when they change your favourite model. I hear Mizunos are amazing, but I guess it’s all about having the right support and you never know if you’re getting that when they’re more lightweight. Yeah, I had a femoral stress fracture, but I was wearing quite good Asics shoes at the time I had fitted properly.. so it was more of an over-training thing I think!

  3. Great advice, only recommendation I can add from experience is see a podiatrist. After a long time suffering debilitating shin soreness only hours after a run (always wearing latest ASIC Keyano @ $250 a pop), miss diagnosis from Physio, good money on orthotics (wasted) to no avail, visited a podiatrist who simply said walk over there, show me your sneakers and simple said you have a neutral stride, your sneakers are not! Get a pair of neutral fit, recommended Brooks, bought myself a pair go Glycerin’s and have never had the complaint since (probably 6-7 yrs now). So buy nothing else than neutral fit, Brooks and Nike seem to work the best for me.

    • Hi David! Haha.

      Great advice – I definitely should add that in. Podiatrists would be the number 1 expert to see as of course, those working in retail at places like Athlete’s Foot only know so much right?

  4. Good post. My calves have been really sore lately and I can’t work out if it’s my running style, shoes or just amount of running (although I’m no marathon runner!). But I do love Nike and always seem to end up with another pair, even after being fitted at Athlete’s’s Foot.

    • Oh those damn calves, right? I’m not sure if you’re already doing this, but foam rolling is apparently where it’s at with things like that and can help a tonne!
      I adore Nike shoes – I love all the fun colours and styles, but alas, they’re terrible for my poor feet!

  5. Pingback: My fitting session at Athlete’s Foot with Mizuno | Running Shoes & Chocolate Mousse.·

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